1992: Created a Linux kernel driver for the 16-bit Future
Domain SCSI adapter.
1993-1995: Coordinated the Linux Man Page Project (wrote
dozens and edited hundreds of man pages);
maintained the util-linux utility collection.
1994: Created complete operating system distribution (Bogus) for Linux that could be easily and
automatically rebuilt from original sources. This work
introduced the "pristine source plus patches" paradigm to the
Linux community.
1995: Designed and implemented a prototype of RPM that
encapsulated the ``pristine source plus patches'' paradigm
(under contract to Red Hat Software).
1997: Co-architected a network protocol (DICT) for the
transport of dictionary information and wrote a client and
server for this protocol.
1998-2000: Co-architect of the Direct Rendering
Infrastructure (DRI) for the XFree86 X server (this work
introduced fast direct-rendered 3D graphics to the Linux world).
Other X11 work during this period includes:
Designed kernel-level module architecture (DRM) to support
the DRI under Linux; and implemented several kernel-level
DRI/DRM drivers (e.g., 3Dlabs GMX-2000, 3dfx Voodoo3).
Designed and implemented several full kernel-level DRI/DRM
drivers. 3Dlabs GMX-2000, 3dfx Voodoo3, and ATI Rage 128
graphics cards.
Implemented 2D XFree86 device driver for ATI Rage 128 card.
Designed and implemented Shared Memory Transport (SMT) for
XFree86 by modifying low-level XFree86 protocol transport
routines. This was submitted to XFree86 with the
recommendation that it not be accepted -- performance
analysis showed that, when video cards are well-matched to
the CPU and memory subsystem, SMT is not a win.
I no longer work on the DRI -- please don't send me email
about it.
2001-2004: Implemented Distributed Multihead X,
including performance analysis and design of input subsystem and
protocol extension.
2003-2004: Implemented SELinux-compatible audit infrastructure
for Linux 2.6 kernel.
Last modified: Wed Sep 1 11:58:07 2004 by faith@acm.org