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garden:garden [2021/08/30 12:44]
mcf [GARDEN 2018]
garden:garden [2024/02/27 13:49]
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 8-30-21 8-30-21
   * Saffron Crocus, //Crocus sativus//, 36 bulbs in pots on screen porch. (High Country Gardens, 2021). Ht 4 inches; blooms mid to late fall. FS or morning sun and afternoon shade.   * Saffron Crocus, //Crocus sativus//, 36 bulbs in pots on screen porch. (High Country Gardens, 2021). Ht 4 inches; blooms mid to late fall. FS or morning sun and afternoon shade.
 +  * Saffron Crocus, //Crocus sativus//, 1 bag, in new beds by  side of house (mulberry and clary sage bed).
 +  * Kale, Ethiopian, '​Ligote',​ //Brassica carinate '​Ligote'//,​ (Richter'​s Herbs, 2019?), in same bed as crocuses.
 +  * Tatsoi, //Brassica rapa//, (Baker Creek, 2021), same bed. Sprouts in 10-14 days; FS 4-6 hours. Not frost hardy.
 +Bed far house and far garage:
 +  * Garlic,//​Allium sativum//, '​Inchelium Red,', Artichoke type softneck; 4 oz bulbs (SESE) in far edge of bed by fence.
 +  * Garlic,//​Allium sativum//, '​German Red', Rocambole Type hardneck, 4 oz (SESE), next to first row, towards center of bed.
 +  * Garlic,//​Allium sativum//, '​Inchelium Red', 65102 softneck, 8 oz, (SESE), in center to inner edge of bed.
 +  * Pitcher Plant //​Sarracenia x Daina'​s Delight// '​Dana'​s delight',​ (8-21, Nursery on 751 in Chatham County), in pitcher plant bed by shed. 
 +  * Sorrel, //Rumex acetosa//, '​Sorrel De Belleville',​ in bed by screen porch. ​
 +  * Beets, //Beta vulgaris//, '​Chioggia'​ (Bassano), (Baker Creek, 2019), in new bed with poppies
 +  * Beets, //Beta vulgaris//, 'Flat of Egypt',​ (Baker Creek, 2020), same bed.
 +  * Bok Choy, //Brassica rapa//, '​Purple Little lDY', (Baker Creek, 2019), in mulberry bed.
 +  * Choy, //Brassica rapa//, '​Yellow Heart Winter',​ (Baker Creek, 2019), same bed.
 +  * Lettuce '​Merlot',//​Lactuca sativa//​(Baker Creek, 2022) Bed near house, far garage (old garden)
 +  * Swiss Chard 'Ruby Red, (Rhubarb Chard), (SESE 2022)
 +  * Swiss Chard '​Prismatic Rainbow',//​Beta vulgaris// (SESE 2022)
 +  * Purple Lady Bok Choy, (Baker Creek, 2022)
 +  * Chijimisai,//​Brassica rapa//, (Baker Creek, 2022). Cross between tatsoi and komatsuna. Heat and cold tolerant.
 +Bed near garage, far house (root vegetables, and peas)
 +  *Turnips, 'White Egg',​(SESE,​ 2022) with De 18 Jours Radish,//​Raphanus sativus//​(Baker Creek 2022), Bed near garage, far house (root vegetables, and peas)
 +  *Beets, Golden, //Beta vulgaris// (Baker Creek, 2022) with French Breakfast Radish (Alliance of Native Seedkeepers,​ 2022)
 +  *Beets, Flat of Egypt, //Beta vulgaris//, (Baker Creek, 2020)
 +  *Carrots, '​Dragon',​ (Alliance of Native Seedkeepers,​ 2022)
 +  *Beets, Chioggia,​(Bassano),​ //Beta vulgaris//, (Baker Creek, 2020)
 +  *Peas, Sugar Snap, Tall Snap,//​Pisum sativum// (SESE 2022)
 +3-8-22 ​
 +  *Mustard '​Japanese Red Giant',​ (Alliance of Native Seedkeepers,​ 2022), in garden bed near house and garage.
 +  *Turnip Greens, 'Seven Top', //Brassica rapa//, (SESE, 2020), same bed.
 +  * Broccoli Raab, '​Sorento',​ //Brassica rapa//, (SESE, 2018), in old garden, bed near house and near garage.
 +  * Carrot 'Kyoto Red', //Daucus carota//, (2021, Baker Creek), in new garden, in bed near house and front yard.
 +  * Carrot, 'Black Nebula',​ //Daucus carota//, (2021, Baker Creek), in new garden, same bed.
 +  * Radish, '​Cherry belle',​ (Alliance of Native Seedkeepers),​ same bed and row
 +  * Radish, '​Easter Egg', (SESE2020) same bed and row.
 +  * Lettuce, '​Bloodstone',​ //Lacuca sativa//, (Strictly Medicinal seed, 2021), in same bed in middle.
 +======Garden 2023======
 +  * Garlic, Romanian Red, 8 oz, in bed near house, far garage. (SESE, 2022)
 +  * Garlic, Nootka Rose, 8 oz, (SESE, 2022) same bed closer to middle of path
 +  * Egyptian Walking Onions, 1 oz (SESE, 2022), same bed by faucet.
 +  * Beet, '​Golden',​ //Beta vulgaris//, (Baker Creek, 2022), old garden, bed near house and garage. 1 row.
 +  * Beet, 'Flat of Egypt',​ //Beta vulgaris//, (Baker Creek, 2020) same bed. 1 row.
 +  * Beet, '​Chioggia (Bassano)',​ //Beta vulgaris//, (Baker Creek, 2020 and SESE, 2020), same bed. 1 row.
 +  * Radish, '​French Breakfast',​ //Raphanus sativus//, (Alliance of Native Seedkeepers,​ 2021?), same bed. Non-GMO Heirloom seed.
 +  * Radish, '​Easter Egg', //Raphanus sativus//, (SESE 2020), same bed.
 +  * Radish, 'De 18 Jours',​ //Raphanus sativus//, (Baker Creek, 2022), same bed. 
 +Bed near garage, far house.
 +  * Sugar Snap Peas, '​Tall',​ //Pisum sativum//, (SESE, 2021), bed far house, near garage. Both with pea inoculat. ​
 +  * Sugar Snap Peas, '​Dwarf,​ Sugar Ann', ​ //Pisum sativum//, (SESE, 2019), bed far house, near garage.
 +  * Swiss Chard, 'Ruby Red', //Beta vulgaris//, (SESE, 2022), same bed
 +  * Swiss Chard, '​Prismatic Rainbow',​ //Beta vulgaris//, (SESE, 2022), same bed.
 +  * Mustard Greens, 'Green Wave', //Brassica juncea//, (Ujamaa 2023).Sane bed
 +  * Mustard Greens, '​Southern Giant Curled',​ (Alliance of Native Seedkeepers,​ 2022 or 2021) Same bed.
 +  * Kale, 'Wild Dreams',​ //Brassica oleracea//, (Ujamaa, 2023), same bed.
 +  * Turnip, '​Purple Top White Globe',​ //Brassica rapa//, (Ujamaa, 2023), same bed.
 +Bed near house, far garage
 +  * Onion, 'He Shi Ko-Bunching',​ //Allium fistulosum//,​ (Baker Creek, 2021), between greens and garlics.
 +  * Onion, '​Ishikura',​ //Allium fistulosum//,​ (Baker Creek, 2022), between greens and garlics.
 +Bed near house, near garage
 +  * Onion 'Red Wethersfield',​ (SESE, 2020), ​
 +  * Turnip, 'White Egg', (SESE 2021), same bed.
 +  * Carrot, 'Black Nebula',​ //Daucus carota//, (Baker Creek, 2021), same bed.
 +  * Carrot, '​Cosmic Purple, //Daucus carota//, (SESE, 2023), same bed.
 +  * Radish, '​Easter Egg', in carrot and turnip rows.
 +New garden: ​
 +Bed near house:
 +  * Broccoli, 'Green Sprouting',​ //Brassica oleracea//, (Strictly Medicinal, 2023). Biennial. Standard open-pollinated type, produces primary head plus many smaller heads. Thin or transplant to 1 to 2 feet apart.
 +  * Wildflowers Blend, Butterfly/​Hummingbird Blend, 1/4 lb, (Wildseed Farms, 2023).
 +Bed with tea herbs:
 +  * Cornflower, Dark Blue, //Centaurea cyanus//, (Strictly Medicinal, 2023). Bushy annual to 2 ft tall, flowering within 6-8 weeks from seeding. FS to PS. Regular garden soil. Transplant or thin to 1 ft apart.
 +Old garden, bed near house, near garage, in place of the radishes. All planted with bean inoculant.
 +  * Pole Beans, //Phaseolus vulgaris//, '​Cherokee Trail of Tears',​ 1 bean. (Strictly Medicinal 2020).
 +  * Pole Beans,//​Phaseolus vulgaris//, '​Anasazi Cave', (Strictly Medicinal, 2021).
 +  * Pole Beans, //Phaseolus vulgaris//, 'Blue Coco', (SESE, 2019).
 +  * Pole Beans, //Phaseolus vulgaris//, '​McCaslan',​ (SESE 2021). ​
 +  * Marigold, //Tagetes tenufolia//,​ '​Tangerine',​ (Thyme Garden)
 +Bed far house, far garage:
 +  * Cucumber, //Cucumis sativus//, '​Poinsett 76', (SESE, 2018).
 +  * Cucumber, //Cucumis sativus//, '​straight Eight',​ (SESE, 2022).
 +  * Cucumber, //Cucumis sativus//, 'Long Green Improved',​ (Monticello Gardens, 2021).
 +  * Cucumber, //Cucumis sativus//, '​Lemon',​ (SESE, 2019). ​
 +  * Onion, Bunching, //Allium cepa//, 'White Lisbon',​ (Botanical Interests, 2020).
 +  * Sunflowers, //​Helianthus annuus//, '​Autumn Beauty',​ (SESE, 2019). ​
 +  * Sunflowers, //​Helianthus annuus//, '​Evening Sun', (Baker Creek, 2019).
 +  * Marigold, //Tagetes patula//, '​Colussus Red Gold Bicolor',​ (Baker Creek).
 +10-18-23 Waxing Moon
 +Bed far house, far garage
 +  * Collards, 6 plants (Home Depot), Best
 +  * Collards, 6 plants (Home Depot), Morris Heading
 +  * Kale, Lancinato, 2 plants (Home Depot)
 +Bed far house and garage
 +  * Kale '​Scarlet',​ //Brassica oleraacea var. sabellica//,​ (Baker Creek Seeds, 2022)
 +  * Kale, '​Tronchuda',​ 'Couve Tonchuda'​ or Portuguese Kale. (Baker Creek Seeds, 2019)
 +  * Beets, '​Bull'​s Blood',​ //Beta vulgaris//, (Baker Creek Seeds, 2020)
 +Bed near house and near garage
 +  * Spinach '​Bloomsdale',​ //Spinacia oleracea//, (Ujamaa Seeds, 2021)
 +  * Radish,'​French Breakfast',​ (Alliance of Native Seedkeepers)
 +Bed far house, near garage
 +  * Swiss Chard, 'Ruby Red' or Rhubarb Chard, (SESE, 2022)
 +======Garden 2024======
 +Bed near house and garage:
 +  * Lettuce '​Merlot",​ //Lactuca sativa//, (Baker Creek). Days to emerge: 7-10. 
 +  * Lettuce, '​Buttercrunch Bibb, //Lactuca sativa//, (SESE, 2017). Days to emerge: 6-14. Harvest in 55 days.
 +  * Onion Ishikura',​ //Alliun fistulosum//,​ (Baker Creek 2022). Emerges in 7-14 days.
 +  * Onion, Bunching, 'White Spear',​(SESE 2023), ​
 +  * Radish '​Easter Egg', //Raphanus sativus//, (SESE 2023). In all carrot rows with carrots. Emerge in 5-10 days.
 +  * Carrot 'Black Nebula',​ //Daucus carota//, (Baker Creek, 2021).
 +  * Carrot '​Nantes Fancy',​ //Daucus carota//, (SESE 2023). Emerge 7-21 days. Harvest in 65-75 days.
 +  * Carrot '​Cosmic Purple',​ //Daucus carota//, (SESE 2023). Emerge in 7-21 days. Harvest in 65-75 days.
 +Bed near house, far garage (garlic bed)
 +  * Beets '​Chioggia (Bassano)',​ //Beta vulgaris//, (Baker Creek, 2019).Emerge in 14-21 days. FS.
 +  * Beets 'Lutz Green Leaf', (SESE, 2020.). Emerge in 5-10 days. FS.
 +  * Beets '​Detroit Dark Red', (SESE, 2020). Emerge in 5-10 days. FS. 
 +  * Beets '​Bull'​s Blood',​ (Baker Creek, 2019). ​
 +  * Beets '​Golden',​ (Baker Creek, 2022). Emerge in 14-21 days. FS.
garden/garden.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/09/08 13:30 by mcf
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