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garden:plantings [2023/04/15 20:16]
garden:plantings [2025/02/16 17:17] (current)
mcf [2025]
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   * Nasturtium, 'King Theodore',​ //​Tropaeolum nanum//, (Baker Creek, 2019), in another hanging basket.   * Nasturtium, 'King Theodore',​ //​Tropaeolum nanum//, (Baker Creek, 2019), in another hanging basket.
   * Moved several flowering plants to bed by path to shed: Penstemon? these have been seeded around yard by birds.   * Moved several flowering plants to bed by path to shed: Penstemon? these have been seeded around yard by birds.
-  * Moved Clematis from bed under living room window to big ceramic pot by side door to walkway to garage. ​+  * Moved Clematis ​"​Duchess of Edinburgh"​from bed under living room window to big ceramic pot by side door to walkway to garage. ​
 +  * Pitcher Plant, '​Scarlet Belle',​ //​Sarracenia//,​ (Growing Wild Nursery in Siler City, NC). Full sun. Wet, peat-based growing medium. Ht 7-10 inches, Width 12 inches.
 +  * Pitcher Plant, 'Night Sky', //​Sarracenia//,​ (Growing Wild Nursery). 2 plants. Full sun. Wet, peat-based growing medium. Ht 24-36 inches, Width, 12 inches.
 +  * Coral Honeysuckle 'Major Wheeler'​ //Lonicera sempervirens//,​ (1 plant, Jerilyn'​s),​ by shed in back yard. native. Full sun. Ht 6-8 ft, width, 5-10 ft.
 +  *  Swamp (Narrow Leaf) Sunflower, //​Helianthus angustifolius//,​ 5 plants, (Jerilyn'​s Natives, Pittsboro, NC). Native plant. Perennial; attracts large numbers of native bees. Size: Up to about 5 feet tall. Water Use: Medium
 +Light Requirement:​ Part Shade. Soil Moisture: Wet. Soil Description:​ Sandy, Sandy Loam, Medium Loam, Clay Loam, Clay, Acid-based.
 +  * * Liatris, '​Blazing Star',//​Liatris spicata//, 2 plants, (Jerilyn'​s),​ in bed by walkway to shed. Native. Perennial. Ht: Up to about 6 feet tall. Water Use: Medium.Light:​ Sun. Soil Moisture: Moist. Soil pH: Acidic (pH<​6.8). Soil Description:​ Moist, average soils.
 +  * Coral Honeysuckle,​ 'Major Wheeler'​ //Lonicera sempervirens//,​ (1 plant, Jerilyn'​s),​ by greenhouse. Native. Full sun. Ht 6-8 ft, width, 5-10 ft.
 +Edge of walkway between house and garden:
 +  * Chamomile, German //​Matricaria recutita//, (SESE, 2020, 2 packets, 2021, 1 packet). Annual. FS. 8-16 days to emerge.60 days.Ht 24-30 inches.
 +  * Calendula '​Orange King', //Calendula officinalis//,​ (Select Seeds, 2017), same bed, near blueberry bush. Annual, sun, ht; 2 ft. Spacing 1 ft. Self sows.5-14 days to emerge. Zone 8-10. 
 +Stone walkway leading to yard from garden path: 
 +  *Viola '​Johnny Jump-up',​ //Viola tricolor//, (Botanical Interests). 10-20 days to emerge. ​
 +  *Thyme, '​Creeping (green)'​. Non-GMO, Heirloom. (David'​s Garden Seeds). 80 days. Sun/part shade. Light, dry, well drained soil. 
 +4-12-24, Waxing Moon
 +Bed by crawl space door;
 +  * Agrimony, //Agrimonia eupatoria//,​ (Strictly Medicinal, 2022). Herbaceous perennial. Thin to 1 ft apart. May take up to a year with overwintering to germinate.
 +  * Baby's Breath, '​Elegans Alba Grandiflora',​ (SESE, 2018 or 19). 
 +  * Zinnia, 'State Fair', Mixed Colors, (SESE, 2024). ​
 +Same bed by crawl space:
 +  * Cleome (Spider Flower), 'Queen Mix', (SESE 2019), at back of bed.
 +9-14-24 Waxing Moon
 +Bed in front yard surrounding mulberry tree, by driveway:
 +  * NC Wildflower Seed Mix, 1 lb (Eden Brothers, 2024)- contians 70% annuals, 30% perennials. 24 species. Full sun, partial sun.
 +Bed in front yard by trees:
 +  * Beautyberry,​ American, //​Callicarpa americana//,​ FS to PS, well-drained soil, hardy to zone 7, Fruits mid-Fall. Native. Ht 7 ft.(Monticello gardens store).
 +Bed by garage, walkway to house:
 +  * Hyssop, //Hyssopus officinalis//,​ 2 plants (Monticello store)- Hardy to Zone 6. FS to PS. "​Hyssop is a semi-evergreen perennial or sub-shrub in the Lamiaceae (mint) family native to Europe, Asia, and Africa, however, it has naturalized in some areas of the USA.  This cold hardy plant grows to a diminutive size of 1 to 2 feet tall and 1 foot to 18 inches wide.  **Trimming in the spring** is best and will aid in the overall health of the plant. FS to PS. Well-drained fertile loam soil.
 +  * Fig, '​Marseilles',​ //Ficus carica cv.// by greenhouse.(Monticello garden shop, 10-24). Potted plant. Full sun, well-drained soil, Ht 10-12 ft. Fruits in summer. Hardy to zone 6b. Original cuttings from France. ​
 +  * Hazelnut, American, //Corylus americana//,​ native, 2 bushes, in topsoil piles by driveway (Deep Roots Nursery, 2024). Mature Height 15' - 18'; Mature Spread 10' - 12'. Growth Speed Medium to Fast. Sun Preference: Full Sun, Partial Sun/Shade. "a medium to large shrub, which under some conditions can take the likeness of a small tree. It is often multi-stemmed with long outward growing branches that form a dense spreading or spherical shape. It spreads by sending up suckers from underground rhizomes 10 to 15 cm (4 to 6 in) below the surface."​
garden/plantings.1681604171.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/04/15 20:16 by mcf
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